Your meant to can't replace your having done

It seems to me that my brightest and most creative moments occur when I am least prepared to chronicle them! As a writer/songwriter you are taught to keep the tools close as you wait on inspiration. But how many lines or ponderings have been lost to heavy eyelids or clamouring distraction? A lot!

Along with inspiration,  it's sometimes necessary to follow your heart... be a little impulsive. You have to go for it. As they say, "nothing ventured nothing gained!" Being impulsive is not always a bad thing. Some of our best moments have been preceded by uncertainty and doubt left abandoned by our sense of curiosity and our need for the experiential.

However, wandering inspiration and unbridled impulse is likened to a  crazed captain steering a rudderless ship. It either goes nowhere or everywhere with no regard for direction.

Which brings me to my point... disciplined determination.  How many thoughts or deeds are left unrealized or never acted upon because we just don't muster the will to commit to move? I confess some really good lines have vanished from the sheet music that I let sleep steal from me. Not to mention the regret for things undone. It's sort like a line to a song I did write... "Your meant to can't replace your having done."

Inspiration and impulse are wonderful winds that push us along on our voyage, but discipline and determination keep a strong hand on the wheel and our course straight.


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