Look ahead... look behind

There is that point in every journey when you  can see ahead to the course you so carefully laid out, and for a brief respite,  look back over your shoulder to see your reward on a path trod through what was uncertainty and hopeful anticipation...

It is then that the buckling down need begin.

I went out to celebrate last night with some folks who all has good reasons to do so. One with great results from a serious illness, another with a baby about to be born, others with new dwellings and new opportunities to rejoice over.

It struck me on my way home that every journey is the same. A beginning where vision paints a picture of what we hope for in the future. A desire then kindles a determined will to live the future we are creating. Finally,  as we see growth and strength from the journey, we set our eyes towards vigilance and diligence as we assure nothing pulls our attention from what's ahead of us!

There'll be potholes... detours... sometimes we just make unnecessary stops or get distracted. That's the living out the journey part of, well the journey.

But, during that quiet respite... looking back over your shoulder at where you've been, take a moment to celebrate and be thankful for successes and the setbacks, we learn from it all.


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