As we go and grow...

The funny thing about a journey is that it's never insular nor singular. People inhabit every footfall along the way and one turn leads to a myriad of choices and opportunities.

Depending on the motive, we are afforded the chance to see and meet many and share experiences otherwise unknown. The longer and farther you go, the more you come to see and know.

But, it's always best to be heading towards somewhere because just heading anywhere often leads us nowhere. To use a couple old  anachronisms, It's okay to "stop and smell the roses" but, "Don't miss the forest for the trees." It's always paramount to know where we are going. Put another way, "where there is no vision, the people perish. "

So, with a definite and desired destination,  we can rejoin our journey with anticipation for the people we meet, the places we see and the changes they bring in us as we go and grow.


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