Each one... Reach one... Teach one...

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and the phrase quid pro quo became the focus of the conversation. It really just means, something for something, and most would recall it from the Silence of the Lambs movie. I recall it always because in working with people I find it works best to give them something for something.

When dealing with matters of the heart, soul, and mind it is necessary from time to time to share where you are so others can find a comfortable place to explore their space! I find it builds trust because people see me as human with the same frailties and faults as others. It's in that space where a common cause develops and traction builds growth.

But at the same time, I think quid pro quo takes a twist for me. In years back, I wrote a song called Reach the Lost.  In it resides one of my favorite phrases I have penned. "Each one should reach one and teach one the way, there's strength in the numbers we find." It's in that phrase where I see quid pro quo become more (in the contemporary vernacular) "pay it forward."

When each one reaches out to one and teaches them the truth, an incredible connectivity and learning takes place that builds faith, family, and community. And rightly so, when that happens, we should then each reach to teach!

It's a simple plan, I know. But it is so powerful when engaged! We owe it to each one who reached out to teach us to do likewise for those we can reach to... and teach.

There's strength in the numbers we find.


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