A vision for building
I picked up my emotional commitment at the station this morning at about 5:15 am. It decided to take an extended vacation in July. The rest of me returned as ordered after what seems now like a brief respite around the 4th of July!
Its funny how we can just go through the motions with only modicum regard for the why. I have heard that "where there is no vision, the people perish." Its so true. It may not be in a physical sense, but in a very tangible way our hopes, dreams and aspirations die in a slow and sensory numbing manner with little alert or alarm. We just look back one day and...
But, when we commit to the journey and we chase the exileration of accomplishment all of our senses turn to high alert! What's next? Where now? When can we go back? Who can we tell? Its as if we become driven to be driven!
The emotional, spritual, intellectual and physical columns that hold up these temples are built on continued growth. The house unlived in soon meets its end...
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