Celebrating before the rain comes

I spent the weekend at a little campsite just west of our home. We set up our camper along with the other camping Callahans and turned the campground into a gathering place for a couple  days with friends and family! Great time had by all!

It's always intriguing to me to watch all these different groups come together and interact. I am amazed how strangers become friends who then become family. It's a simple recipe of time, space, desire and commitment.  Wonderful things happen when you want them to and are willing to work in earnest to make it so.

Within the construct of this group I spent the weekend with are friends I made over 30 years ago... people who I have been blessed to mentor through their lives... others who I have worked with for nearly 20 years... and of course some of my family! We even had a little new baby member of the 1302 Club join us this trip!

I am humbled by the blessing of love and friendship... family and fellowship that I find celebrating with these people.

These things always remind me to stop and enjoy life! If just for a couple days at a campground. It refreshes the heart and soul! It can be just a backyard Cook out!  Just STOP and do it! Invite all who will come.  I promise it will be crazy... but goodness it will bring joy to your heart!

We never know what storm lies just beyond a distant cloud, so while the sky is clear and the wind is calm, celebrate life and all that it is with as many as you can... you may need each other when the rain comes...


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