If you build it... it's yours.

I woke this morning thinking about something my mother in law said to me many years ago. We were working in her garden just talking about life and she made a statement that has traveled with me as well as anything I've heard. She said, "the problem with young people is that they want now for themselves what I've worked my whole life to have!"

Having thought about that many times over the years, I still find it to be true, but in a more general sense. We have to work for it... what ever It is! If it's a career or a relationship or a lifestyle or just a life; we have to work at it!

In our smart phone, Internet, and information driven culture, we can become instant experts on virtually everything. But, all that we learn can't replace practical application and committed engagement to our cause and desire.

You can build a house on paper, but somebody has to nail the boards together. You can create a spreadsheet of prospects, but you still have to sell something. You can find every style and fashion on a myriad list of websites but you still have to be yourself within your culture. 

And most importantly,  you can view every aspect of life from the safety of your living room or laptop, but to build a life,  you have to get into the daily work of living, break a sweat,  and get some dirt on your hands! Your life isn't going to build itself... and you can't just borrow someone else's.

Ultimately, as I was taught all those years ago, you get out of it exactly what you are willing to put into it.


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