The Purge

I am one of those people who clean out my closet at the first hint of Spring and as the first leaves fall in Autumn. It's a part of my ritual... just me.

I spent part of this weekend completing the task. It was very different this time. Good in some ways, not so much in others.  I have always thought of it as the seasonal swap... this go-round it felt more like a purge.

It's probably the journey, maybe my state of mind, but I felt the need to let go. I kept asking myself, why did you buy that... or will you ever really wear them? Was it want or need that dictated purchase? Before I was done I had two large bags full of things.

Our lives are much like that; a lot went into collecting all those things... a lifetime of want, desire, pursuit, remorse,  anxiety, and on it goes. Yet, if we are not cautious,  we pack and pile until we cannot put our hands on the things we need most; their lost in the minutiae or purposely hidden.

I waited too long to purge. It's been needed for a while. But I am determined to let go. A funny thing,  as I was putting the two large bags into a container at the Goodwill store, I chuckled to myself a little because I had already forgotten what I'd put in the bags.

It's funny how when you commit to let go of the baggage, you no longer are bound to what was put into them. It's a great way to lighten the load.


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