Don't call... Come get me (Timbo)

I posted a song by a friend of mine yesterday. The song is titled, "Don't Call" and the singer and writer is Leon Timbo. I remember the first time I heard him sing it was in my basement studio. He shared it's meaning to another friend, Charles Harris and I, and I recall being blown away by all that resides in the lyrics!

To me it's a song that screams desperation and need while at the same time offering hope and sanctuary! It's loaded with conflict and resolution. But the line "write it out with me, fight it out with me" sings a song of friendship that reaches to the very heart of the matter.

Relationship is a complex organism all of its own. It takes certain portions of good times,  bad times, understanding, love, hope and truth to make it work. As it evolves and life tests it's measure, the relationship solidifies and flourishes, or breaks apart.

In the song, as that resolve is challenged the singer is telling us, don't stand on the side... get in the mix and help fight to save what we are building!

Don't call... come get me!


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