It's Just a Phone...

Today is day 40... it's the presumed center of the journey. I have as many questions now as answers. Not sure what to be looking for but I am still waiting.

Strangely, habits have been changing... new behaviors have developed; some unexpected... some just down right puzzling! But I still wait. Not in some obsequious manner, waiting on my next task, but just listening. It's peculiar what you hear when you don't attempt to modulate the frequency.

For instance, I dropped my phone today and cracked the screen. I cracked the screen because I didn't have the glass shield on it. I didn't have the glass shield on it because my office is in a total shambles from the remodel and I am not quite sure where it resides presently.  That is a total of three steps removed for an incident that normally would have sent me straight to DEFCON ONE!!!

But this morning, on Day 40... I am just trying to find someone to replace my screen. No heavy punctuation, no stressed-faced emojis... just someone to repair my phone. Don't get me wrong, it's still frustrating, but it's just a phone. Amidst all the chaos and tumult in a world of uncertainty... it's just my simpler life and a damaged cell phone.

So, I will journey through day forty on a quest to fix my phone and I will be waiting and listening...


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