See and hear...

I was reading this morning about how we are to work on our body and our soul to achieve growth. It's pretty evident when someone is pushing themselves physically,  but how can we tell when someone is exerting on a spiritual level? If our goal is to meet people at the point of their need, we have to know what to look for.

Not everyone emotes the same way. People are the most unique and individual creatures God made. Along with that comes the need to read and discern each one's needs and motivations differently. How is that to be done? The answer is one line back... read (observe) and discern (open your heart's eyes and ears  to see and hear  beyond the visual and audible) and then act on your motivations as you  are lead.

We live in a world that is more fearful,  frightening, and pain ridden than most can recall. It's our responsibility to see and respond. The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourself. That's a lot!

Keep your eyes open and your heart tuned... somebody needs you today...


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