Time to pack my bags...

Packing a suitcase is one of my least favorite things to do! Work or vacation, either way I just don't like to do it. It's stressful and I always worry about forgetting something I need.

Something about it this time ties to a devotion I read that put me to thinking...

Every day we pack our emotional/spiritual suitcase as we prepare for today's journey. We know what we should put in it: kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, faith, love, devotion, etc. But too often we tend to leave some of those things sitting back at our emotional/spiritual hearth and home.

Ironically,  some of the things that find their way into our bags tend to make our trip more difficult like unbelief, anxiety, stress, regret, fear, disillusionment.  Those things make for a less than memorable travel experience.

On this trip, I am double checking and repacking  (as needed) my travel bags! No reason to waste that precious space in my heart and head that should already be filled with the incredible fruit of His spirit!


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