
After He had spoken to the question from the scribe, Jesus chose to amplify his answer with a truth that is often talked about but sorely goes unpracticed.

He said, "and love your neighbor as yourself."

What would our world, our country, our homes, and our relationships look like if we spent a little time just doing that?

The difficulty is that in our "me-centered" culture where on one hand it's all about "getting mine or on the other hand political correctness and moral relativism squelches individuality,  we are seemingly incapable of loving our neighbor as ourself. That would require surrender or sacrifice.

It is, however, possible to give, sacrifice, and love others and it happens all the time. Open a door... reach down and pick up something dropped... offer a kind word... embrace someone longing for connectivity but unable to reach out themselves.  It is possible.

And the beauty is, that love magnifies and returns itself ... like a moth to a flame!


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