Friendship or Relationship

I woke this morning to a text sent last night from someone I've had a close relationship with for nearly 15 years. He mentioned he had been reading my recent posts and was concerned that I might be going through some challenges and offered to walk/talk with me through it.

It was ironic to me because I had a recent conversation with someone whom I shared the following statement, "I don't want to be your friend, I want to have a relationship with you." Much like it did to to them, it probably raises eyebrows and requires a better explanation.

See when God said you were His friend, it was/is a really big deal... on a gigantic universal eternal scale. No greater label can/could be bestowed than be called a friend of God.  My wife, Angie Stewart Callahan still loves to hear Israel and New Breed singing, "I am a friend of God!"

But in today's vernacular the word friend has lost its power. Honestly, for all the Facebook "friends" you have, how many would run into the dark at the sound of your needful call? The word and it's obligation have been lost to consumerism, busyness, and passive contact brought on by the emotional distancing of social media.

The word relationship denotes things like sacrifice and surrender. Commitment and call. Comfort and care. You gave to engage relationship actively. Relationship requires, as I have heard it out, "some skin in the game!"

Choose wisely friendship or relationship. Things aren't like they used to be... you can unfriend a friend with a click of a mouse. In relationship,  you got skin in the game,  so you have an investment and therefore something to lose.

I'm just sayin...

Good morning Facebook


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