Finer Shade of Grey

I have always been intrigued by polarities. More specifically, in figurative terms, opposites. I have read, studied and talked about them for a long time.  The purpose of my personal quest has been less to understand the opposites themselves than the space that exists between them.

People think and say things like, "There's only right or wrong" or "It's black or white" or even "It's my way or the highway!" Such sentiments,  in most cases are farthest from the truth.

In God's economy, there are absolute absolutes! In our human experience... and perspective,  nearly everything can be seen as fine shades of grey.  In other words, there are usually three not two answers.

For instance...

My opinion... your opinion... reality of the situation

Right...  wrong... truth

Your way... my way... compromise

Honestly, even that is oversimplified!

As long as we are human, polarities will exist. "Your yes" and "my no" will rarely find a happy meeting place. But it is in the finding that our journey to cooperation and growth begins. There is a chasm between two opposing thoughts that only a spirit of understanding and mutual need can bridge.

Never forsake your values or faith, but keep in mind that no individual has the market cornered on all the right answers. Sometimes the answer isn't black or white... sometimes it's a finer shade of grey.


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