Going is just going...

A journey can be to somewhere or from somewhere.  It can even take place in the heart or mind with little exertion otherwise. I posted a couple pics last night of our journeys... more to come!

Speaking from personal experience, often times a journey from something is usually not nearly as fun as the journey to something. But again, you have to take into account the motivation for the journey. Jonah journey to Nineveh and did everything he could to change his direction. He objected with the motivation of the trip so he fought it all the way.

On the other hand, history records Jesus' journey to the Cross as steadfast, purposeful and committed. I have read the account a few times and I can't recall His ever questioning the journey, despite His knowing the outcome.

It makes you stop and think about our purpose and perspective as we launch into new directions with agendas to be met and circumstances to engage.

Just going is really, well, just going. But to go with purpose and perspective, now that's a journey!


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