Thinking right...
I was telling some folks at dinner last night that I really don't sleep well when I am out of town... especially in other time zones! Maybe its a different bed. Maybe its a different normal. But it definitely changes how I sleep, eat and think.
Its the thinking part that has me... thinking (sorry I can't help myself) this morning. So many battles, adventures, and journeys are waged in our minds long before we take the first step! Often times, we have all the acts and interlude completely worked out in our head long before the curtain opens on anything that transpires in our lives!
But we really only control a few aspects of any future situation, incident or circumstance. We can control our state of mind as we approach each new thing and we can continually rely on God.
Philippians teaches us to continually think about the things that are good, honorable, just, pure, commendable, and excellent. Just focusing on those things makes little room for fear, anxiety and all other negativities!
In our spiritual relationship we find strength, courage and boldness as we focus and rely on Him for our needs, sustenance, and hope! It reminds me of that old song "Just A Little Talk With Jesus." (if you've never heard it , take a listen.)
That kind of thinking can make it right!
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