It's All In How You See It

It's Day 21 of the journey. It just happened up on me actually. I think that any such endeavor should be such; almost organic as you grow away from what was an initial uncertainty into a determined transition to committed persistence.

Strangely tied to that,  I was thinking this morning about perspective and how far Angie and I have come in the last year. Working on my new home office over the weekend set my mind to thinking about why I was in a new home office to start with... which led me to perspective.

This time last year we were still mourning the passing of Angie's father. Just a short three months later on July 4th we would get the news that my dad had stage 3 lung cancer (Which was the reason I moved my office; to give him more space for home health care.) It would be a few months beyond all of this that we would lose our beloved Spencer, the craziest and most wonderful Pug ever! We were both very happy and changed when  2015 came to an end....

But the point is not the loss... it's the renewal! God has made us resilient and flexible... and strong! He built us to be overcomers!

So we celebrate as we create my new office space! We hug a little harder on our little Chihuahua, Myrtle (the 13 yr old queen of 1302) and her calm and quiet bigger brother, our Boston, Dekker! And, we cherish the time we have left with Angie's mom and my dad. Because, the gift is the renewal that we can only see after loss... it's the perspective that graces affords after tragedy.

It's God's way of saying, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." That hope gives us hope... and a renewed perspective.


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