It's not just where it takes you...

I have been thinking about Jordan Speith and his losing that five stroke lead on the back nine at the Masters yesterday.

It is a lesson in overcoming adversity but not so much like a typical sports story, but a life story.  He had the lead... and he lost it. The weight of his success was holding all the other competitors back. But in a split second everything changed. One demoralizing set back at a time  the lead and the match crept away from him.

We are much the same. If we don't persist... diligently and vigilantly,  we will lose ground. And, we often cannot slow the slip until we are long passed recovering from an eminent tumble.

We have complete control over pursuing the journey, but at times the journey  takes us over the craggy and loose rocks of circumstance that afford us wonderful climbing lessons or bitter and sore reminders of the fall.

It's not just that we take the journey, it's also about how we react/respond to what we find on the way.


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