The Charger Cable
So I was supposed to be in Orlando all week... things happen... things change.
The call came and my plans did just that; they changed. Now, at midnight, I sit in a chair in a hospital room while my world lays in her bed for the night... groggy from her meds and trying to rest before her surgery in the morning. It wasn't planned but things happen... things change.
I checked out of my hotel in a whirlwind, racing to the airport to catch a flight destined for delay due to a faulty starter that hindered the right engine. I was able to keep my phone on and waited for every text message from the emergency room I was desperately trying to get to. I looked at my phone and realized that in my haste, I had forgotten to grab a charger cable... I had a phone... I had a Mophie charger... but I did not have the means to connect the two!
I asked half the people on the plane. No charger. The other half had deplaned. The flight attendant saw my distress and tried to help. Still no charger. My anxiety was red lining!
When the plane was fixed, everyone reboarded and my newly returned neighbor one seat behind me loaned me a cable. I told her about my dilemma and she said she worked in a hospital and totally understood. I charged the phone. My angst normalized.
The thought hit me as I looked at my phone, then to my Mophie, then to the cable that connected the two... something is coming. You dont know what, when, where or how... but it's coming. We can't predict or control it. We can just endeavor to prepare for whatever travail it brings.
Just like that cable connecting the machine to its power... our faith connects us to the source of life in the midst of what comes. I prayed all the way home... not for myself but for my world as she laid in that hospital bed 500 miles from me. I prayed for the doctors and caregivers to lavish their gifts on her. I prayed for those who stood in the gap for me as I tried frantically to close it.
I prayed for a special little buddy and his beautiful mom and dad as they face that something that has come.
God is good. He allows our faith to connect us to his source. It is amazingly efficient and powerful.
And. I said thank you... not nearly enough, but for the lady that loaned me the cable. For the precious flight attendant who chased around trying to help me. For the sweet man who reached over to comfort me and grabbed my hand and said I hope she will be okay. For the two of you who are there always even before I can be. And I said thank you for the charger cable that did so much more than energize my phone today. It energized my soul!
Surgery is in the morning. She is restless but at least a little more comfortable. I am at peace because I am with her. I covet your prayers for a successful outcome and speedy recovery.
Oh yeah, and don't forget your charger cable... you never know when you might need to connect to a power source...
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