Songs are Friends

I took my guitar and my song bag with me on our Memorial Day camping trip. One of my favorite things to do is to open up the back of the camper that turns into our little dining room/office/ board game area and play my songs.

I spent some time going through some of my oldest songs. Songs I wrote in my 20's & 30's... must have been some tougher days... I cant recall most of the events, but I remember the songs; lyrics and melodies.  They are some of my oldest friends.

Writing was never a vent for me, it was just a part of me. As I looked at all those songs from then and now I realized they are like threads that help highlight and hold together the times of my life. Just like friends!

Our friends help us long recall our best and worst moments... funniest and saddest. They weave through the fabric of our lives and add color, enhancement and life to it.

It never fails that a friend can set a story straight when you can't  remember it even happened. And, just as  importantly,  they can shade the light just enough to keep the memory from hurting as bad...

I am thankful today for all the friends that help me sing the songs of my life.


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