Hope and me and you

I pulled out of the driveway and headed off for another busy day. I made the right onto Lakeview and was gearing up directly into GO mode! Then it hit me...  did I say goodbye? Not just did I say it... but did I leave the impression that it was heartfelt and sincere?

I took another left and circled back around right into my driveway and back into the house. I restated my goodbyes with certainty and affirmation. I felt much better as I departed into my day... that little agitating uneasiness gone.

The point is to never leave something unsaid that will cause regret when it cant be spoken. Seems obvious until challenged by the deafening shrill of busy living. It reminds me of something I wrote a few years ago...

"Words are just words and what you think are  just thoughts left to themselves,
To make love you need something else,
It takes more to own another's heart than sentimental words on a page,
It takes love and a little bit of grace... and
for good measure some hugs and kisses too!
But mostly hope and me and you...
(c) dsc 2012

Always be ready to say what needs to be said, but just as urgently, know when to allow grace to hold us silent.


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