My Law of Unintended Consequences

"The law of unintended consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people—and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended."   (Google)

I started pondering this yesterday morning. By this,  I mean The Law of Unintended Consequences.  A few things started developing early in my day that brought me to it.  Things we do have consequences. Things we do create results that we expect but at times are also unexpected. Some of these are good...  some not so much.

Many of mankind's greatest accomplishments come from failed attempts at an endeavor that brought about an unintended but remarkabke result.  On the other hand, many of our most valiant and well- intended efforts have brought sadness, tragedy, and horror to light where many suffered or suffer still.

Closer to home we find this peculiar concept also still at work in our daily lives. I personally think that is what is meant by the phrase, "things we do and say matter!" We already know this; we do things expecting an outcome! For some reason, we never contemplate the unintended results! Hurt feelings, broken hearts, emotional divides, betrayal, hatred and anger.

Wouldnt it be awesome if we could fast forward ahead and see the roadblocks and then reverse back to just before we do or say that thing which will ultimately derail our train if we allow it to move forward? (think James Stewart in It's A  Wonderful Life) But we cant. So, we have to get better at seeing the things that trigger the Law of Unintended Consequences in our lives. To use an old fashioned vernacular,  we have to look both ways before we cross... in this case not left and right, but at either of the two inevitable outcomes that our action will create.

We have to remember as we move along that what we say and do matters; and it does have consequences... of which not all are the ones we expect.


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