How To Burn A Flag

I have 3 American veterans within arms reach of me most days. All have seved honorably and would answer this question instantly.

This morning walking my dogs I found a tattered and torn American flag that hand been thrown on the ground by some passerby. My community hangs flags during patriotic holidays, so I have to assume someone pulled one down and left in on the ground.

I picked it up and brought it home to properly dispose of it. My question then is... who among us knows how to "properly" dispose of the American flag?

When I see a worn or torn flag I always think of my brothers standing in harms way but standing beneath the flag. I think of my dad on the deck of a troop carrier headed through the English Channel headed eventually to walk the wall during the Berlin crisis with the flag leading the way. And all service personnel over the many generations carrying it into and out of every conflict they faced...

Yes, I want to make sure to dispose of it properly. It symbolizes all those waved in battle as well as all those that carried them to the fight! It deserves to be disposed of properly...

Thoughts or suggestions?


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