You don't have to hide anymore

Last night in our Bible study I taught a lesson called "What God does and doesn't want." I taught from one of my favorite verses, Micah 6:8. The verse in its simplest forms tells us to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly. The narrative prior to this verse describes the many things that God did for Israel and leads to verse 8 where the prophet simply asks, "and what does God require of you?" Verse 8 is the answer... Three very simple things...but oh so hard to accomplish!

I started my study in the Book of Genesis where Adam and Eve first discover that they are naked and ashamed. Shortly following, God comes into the garden and they are hiding from him because their eyes have been opened to their sin and the shame. In this verse, we see the essence of humanity's struggle; we long for things forbidden and we smother from the weight of the guilt that it brings!

I also taught from the fifth chapter of Galatians as we discussed what God does not want. It seems so obvious that God has given us the tools, yet we toil over understanding or using them. In this light, i find my title: You don't have to hide anymore! God asked Adam, "Who told you that you were naked?" Isn't it sad to see the love God is expressing even as his heart is broken by their disobedience? From that moment on, the soul of mankind went into hiding. It was not until Calvary that man became able to hide somewhere that could change his outcome! As we hide our sins behind the cross and accept Christ as our personal savior, we no longer have to hide from Him in our shame!

Whatever the burden, whatever the circumstance or trial, you don't have to hide from it! Take it to the cross... You dont have to hide anymore!


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