Are we really worried about healthcare... I think not!

For those who have not been paying attention... the Healthcare bill will most likely pass today. But before it does; just a thought...

When people look back, they will not recall the supposed entitled benefits of the enlightened ideology reflected out from the progressive thinkers of our time. Oh no, more likely, they will bitterly and sorrowfully recall the mistaken abandoning of the freedoms long battled for and won to enjoy this great culture!

Of course by then, the despotic tyrants (that historically always follow those ideologues) will not care for the mournful remembrances of freedoms, which by then, will have long since been revoked.They will know what is best for us whether we agree or not! Sound familiar?

It is amazing to see the price people are willing to pay... Liberty is not as often taken as it is just given lethargic concession at a time!


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