Only God Knows The Outcome

I am finally sitting down in my office at home tonight pondering everything but the solar eclipse. My dad is now in the long term rehab facility in what  can only be considered a  dire circumstance. But only God knows the outcome.

We are splitting up time between us all racing down interstates and highways on the weekends while chasing doctors and caregivers to tend to his need. Everything in me tells me that this doesn't end well. But, only God knows the outcome.

We have all once again made the commitment to put our lives on hold and do the right thing for another parent  (actually the third and fourth for Angie and I) who need us but is in such a state that they don't know we are on the task. I see us all aging daily and wonder how we will be when this is all done. But, only God knows the outcome.

At times I feel that  I am downcast and forlorn; to some degree that is a reality I fight. The struggle is real. I question my own ability to once again hold all this together. But , only God knows the outcome.

But God does know the outcome! Ours is to trust that! That is, was and will always be the case! It is the essence of the faith we live... that He is in control and that we need Him and want Him to be in control.

I hear it on the radio when I hear my favorite songs and hymns! I see it pictures that remind me of how big He is! And, I see it in the lives of sad and tired children seeking to honor their father with their presence and their care. I am proud of our family for standing in the gap for our dad.

I want to thank you all for shouldering this burden and honoring those we love. More importantly, for honoring our faith and trusting that only God knows the outcome. And even so, we will celebrate and be thankful for whatever he does in our lives and in this situation with dad!


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