Bill's Cafe...

I had lunch today at a place I haven't eaten at for over forty years (yes I am that old!)

I first went there with my dad at about five years of age and I still think it was to my memory the best burger I have ever eaten in my life. Memories swept over me like a cool breeze in an early fall as I soaked in every nuance and fiber of that piece of my life. It is amazing how the littlest things set your mind to churning...

I always knew it as Bill's Cafe in Cabbagetown. Now its known as Little's Grocery Grill. I dont get that way much these days. I will say, it is a lot different than when I lived there. Its ironic how old and delapidated becomes historic and trendy. We were just surviving...  now they're all thriving! Years back when I told my mom what the property was going for there, she just shook her head and laughed! They always say the difference between crazy and eccentric is the size of the bank account!

But today, I just soaked in the old... the nostalgic... the time for a young kid to be at his favorite place eating his favorite thing watching his dad shoot pool. And, it was good for me, but it was sad. I wish he could have been there with me. I have taken him back to the old place numerous times, but we never had one of those nasty, greasy, wonderful cheeseburgers together... or played pool and him let me win... not since then. Now if there is a chance of that... no one knows...

But I bought him a remembrance (a hat) from there. I will take it to him this weekend when I go see him at his rehab facility. And hopefully, if he has just a precious few moments of clarity, we can remember together. A much older and sicker dad sharing a few moments remembering a special kind of love with his son who is also much older and a little more thankful for the little things now...

Thanks Pop! I love you! Hope I get the chance to take you back for lunch soon... someday.


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