

I was reading this morning about miracles...

I believe they happen. I believe also that they don't happen to everybody in every case. I feel certain that they are purposeful and demonstrative and that we should discern as we marvel.

While I am not so sure that we should pray for them as much as we should pray that God's will be done; sometimes they may not be the same thing. Only God  knows. Ours is to trust and obey. 

In our lives, such as now, when we would love to see a miracle, it is probably wiser to lean on a strength that is bigger than the miracle itself. If we fall hold to  him rather than to the hope of something extraordinary, we are more safely buoyed from circumstance.

Whether miracles happen in our lives or not, we still need the miracle worker, even if he is not effecting those miracles in our present situation.


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