Seasons... reasons

It never fails. Every year about this time we are bombarded at every sensory level with Christmas cheer! We all decorate, cook, sing, and celebrate as the holidays unfold all around us! It's  like the old black & white movies that end in some town square with crowds of people singing joy, resolution and Silent Night.

And that does happen... even now... but not always!

Some don't have that picture perfect finale to every Christmas. Some don't even come close. Today, as many of us start unpacking decorations and chasing our favorite recipes, others within arms reach of us are packing up any hope they have as they fight the anguish of a less than celebratory circumstance. Today we see cities in ashes, lives are being taken by others, and hope... yes hope hangs by a thread for many!

It would do us all well to look around and see... many who live these challenged lives are much closer than we can imagine!

Also, I am certain that the first Christmas happened because so many were in need of a special gift they could not give themselves! I am daily thankful for the first Silent Night and the difference it has made in my life!

So, as the chase to Christmas ramps up, let's race to rejoice for the right reasons. If you are blessed,  then go bless someone else. If you have, then share. If you know the reason for the season... the real reason,  then exemplify it by living it to fullest measure. The world he came to save needs him still.

Merry Christmas


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