One More Good Day...

I am taking my mother in law back to South Carolina this morning. She has been with us since just before Thanksgiving. Its been a great visit, but she is ready to get back home. I understand that; nothing like the land of familiar.

I've seen the homesickness falling on her. It comes to us all  in small subtle nuance as we stare out a window at a different landscape causing us to acknowledge the difference from something long remembered... our normal. So she longs for home. But these have been good  days with her.

Here at the holidays many are oft to think about home.  Not where they actually dwell,  but that sweetly remembered innocence of some past perfection that we can't quite seem to recapture.  I have my own Sweet Georgia Christmases I recall, but that's for another telling.

The problem with the idyllic past perfected is it is unattainable... or at least misremembered. I think it was Voltaire that is credited with saying "perfect is the enemy of good." In our search for the best and better, we overlook or just forget the good. Every thing has its good... even with its bad mixed into the recipe. We just tend to miss the good for striving for perfect or lamenting the bad.

I walked the dogs this morning humming a Diamond Rio tune,  One More Day. Its a song about a person dreaming about one more day with a loved one. How many "one more days" do we throw away while chasing that perfect one... something to think about during these holidays.  Something to ponder when the tree lights stop working, or the ham scorches, or he said she said and they are both mad!  We have no certainty about any more days, so a wonderful gift to each other should be one more good day.

Thank you to my precious mother in law for the good days we've been blessed to share during these holidays!


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