Friends bearing gifts

I had a visit from an old friend last night. Its been a minute since we just sat an talked and laughed... mostly laughed... as was usual for us back in the past!

We talked about gifts and sharing them. See,  we are all wired in very unique ways. Each of us brings something purposefully different to the collective experience. Purposeful means it was intended to be so.

In the current hour and climate, differences are used as tools to pry us apart or its  leverage that individuals can use to rile others. God tells us that there are many parts but only one body... each can serve a common good... His common good for us all.

In His economy,  He knew that one's strength would support another's weakness; that the individual lessers would create a strong whole.

Each of us has a talent, a strength, a gift that none of the rest us of has... we need each other! The right answer is not derision, detachment or divisiveness... the right answer is community, care and concern for each other to a degree that we bring our gifts to the storehouse where needs can be met.

As the journey continues for me, I am reminded of a lot of the things that have brought me this far. I ponder the fact that it was application of the talents, gifts, and convictions in my life that allowed opportunities to serve... but also afforded introduction of truly wonderful people to my life! How richly blessed we are when, while serving, God allows others to meet us at the point of our need.


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