Not like most days...

"...We don't feel much support most days. Let's not make today most days."

                         Dallas Police Chief Brown

This is probably the same sentiment shared by the groups of families and communities who are shouldering the loss of family members to police shootings.

Its ironic that all sides of these issues share much more than realized: fear, anxiety, uncertainty, loss, grief, etc... nothing good can come from any part of these tragedies unless we come together to help each other through this.

In reality, the answers are way too complicated to resolve within minutes, hours even days of such events. The answers lie in a deeper understanding of real truth and an acceptance of our role in improving our concerted effort to be a better us.

Just as unfortunate is the reality that for us to find the answers, we must all go to a place thats uncomfortable; a meeting place of real understanding and honest acceptance of responsibility to speak truth (not our opinion or position) and to offer solution  (not our agenda or motivations.)

We should start by praying for all those families who have lost loved ones... in every circumstance regardless of what opinion is held. Lives were lost, people are hurting. We should lift them all up! We need to ask God to intervene in the life of our country and to forgive us and to heal us... collectively and individually. 

My prayers go out to all the families who have lost loved ones in the events of the last week. I pray God opens our hearts and minds to real truth and guides us to be instruments of His will for our peace and His glory.


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