
I had to say goodbye to Dekker tonight. I would say it is was unexpected... sudden... but it wasn't. He was 13 years old and an old man... for a dog. But,  he was an old man from birth.  He didnt liked to be held,  but he didnt like to be alone. He was quiet and seemingly pensive, but could let loose and tear through the house with the best of them.

Itll be different with him gone.  I wont have to wash that bath mat nearly as often that he liked to sneak off and relieve himself on...

Morning coffee wont be the same, there'll be too much room on the love seat in our bedroom where he crowded me every morning for the last 13 years!

My office will be quieter without that old dog snore of his as he slept on the floor waiting for Angie to get home. It's already quieter... too quiet.

I will miss him. Alot. I rubbed his nose as he went to sleep... he hated that.   I loved it... I loved him.

Goodbye old man.


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