It Must Be June...

It is again that day. It feels like forever, then in other ways, it seems like only yesterday. I was racing to the airport from the Merchandise Mart in Chicago to catch a plane back home. I had just  left Angie and was headed back home earlier than she since my business was done. Phone on airplane mode... simple flight back to my world.

By the time I had landed with phone turned back on... my world was drastically changed. I had dozens of texts... a dozen voice mails. It would seem normal after being out of town on business for a few days to have lots of messages to reply to, but they were not work numbers. It was family, friends, church members. 

I listened to Angie's first and it simply said "call me when you land." It chilled me. I still am cold when I think of it. She started with... "we lost Mason." It just got worse.

In the time it took me to fly from Chicago to Atlanta, I had lost my nephew. I rushed to my brother and sister in laws side. The next week was a blur. I remember little more than the helpless feeling of being able to do absolutely nothing. Then we went about trying to live again; differently but again.

Two years later, I finally sat down and tried to put on paper the incredible loss. I attempted to say what I could only say to him... but was not given the chance. I miss him just as much as that last night he and I had together as he haggled with me over old copper wire he wanted from me to recycle for cash and how much I would pay him to work around the house that summer. Man he was so precious! 

But I wrote my message (song) to him. I shared my message of loss and longing for him, but more so my love of him and the understanding that one day... one day, I will see him again!

It has been nine years since... "and the hardest part is waiting until I can see him again."  Mason, you left your mark! And I am so blessed that you did!

I love you!  

Uncle Dave!

It Must Be June                         David Callahan © 2010

It must be June, I seem to be missing you,
A little more than normal I must say,
When it comes around, I can feel it building,
And the longing just grows stronger every day,

This hurt won’t last, at least not near as bad,
And July will bring the life I’ve come to know,
But it’s not the same, cause when I call your name,
I can’t hear your voice like before… and I want more,
It must be June,

It must be June, Can’t believe it’s been this long,
It’s like I just had you here with me,
Looking everywhere, my eyes still chasing you,
My heart smiles just knowing that you’re free,

As much as I want you here, It’d been so unfair,
To call you from his loving hands,
You’re still in my heart, so the hardest part,
Is waiting till I see you again… this is not the end,

It must be June, It must be June,

Yeah it’s just June…


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