15 Things I've Learned To Do In These 51 Years

15 Things I've Learned To Do  In These 51 Years...

Dont take everything so seriously... especially yourself.

Dont be in such a hurry... life will find you soon enough.

Give it all you've got... whatever it is.

Leave nothing undone... finish strong.

Believe what you believe enough to stand when no one else will stand with you.

Cast your vision and blow your trumpet loud!

Love completely... without hesitation.

Forgive... period.

Tell those who matter that they matter and make sure they know why.

Be thankful.

Be humble.

Give everyone a chance.

Leave nothing unsaid... finish telling your story.

Love that someone who is your someone and cherish them as long as you have breath!

Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, strength and mind.


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