Keep The Slate Clean

Never miss the opportunity to say what needs to be said.  A very dear friend of mine shared with me a thought;  the essence of which is TO LIVE!  I wont quote them as I did not seek permission but it was truly profound and insightful, especially in the times we find ourselves living in...

That thought has stayed with me. I saw something horrendous play out in front of me recently and it caused me to take stock; of life, of people, of living.  Probably doesn't make sense to you, but it doesn't require disclosure in order to understand the real message. The simplest way to put it, as my friend did so succintly, is to just live!

And, as we do, remember what makes living matter! God, family, frends, purpose, duty, our vocation, our dreams and aspirations! It is the fuel that fires our hearts! Tell someone what they mean to you... listen to someone you have tuned out... share something that will bless someone... be willing to receive from someone a gift that they want to bestow. But most importantly, live.

I have always said that if you can see four or five friends standing around you as you prepare to leave this life, then you are truly a blessed person.  I assure each of you when that time comes for me, I will joyfully know that I belong to a privileged circle.

If I have loved you, know you still are loved by me. If you are my friend, know that I value you and cherish the relationship. I thank each and all of you for the imprint you have made on my simple little life.



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