Each one....

There are moments of change... actually even seconds, that take place in and around us constantly. Maybe not so much change but the opportunity to make decisions that create those changes. Some may be pedestrian; others seismic!

They come at us with blinding pace and whirling like a top spinning us into, and out of balance... or our comfort zone. They force us to choose in all matters from do I get up and exercise to which candidate will I cast my ballot for in the coming elections.

So, the opportunities to be an agent of change in our world... in our time exists. The more critical concern is are we equipped to make the choices? In most cases, we are not. So how do we avoid making bad choices? How do prepare ourselves for our moment?

For me, its been a hodge podge of observation and application. Watching others make choices then,  seeing the outcome, choose to act or decide in a way that merits success and honors right. Or, sometimes in making bad choices, do the work to correct bad decisions and learn the lesson needed to avoid repeated failure.

In reading, somewhere it says "raise a child in the way it should go and when it grows older it will not depart from it." A firm hand shares love one lesson at a time; for every trial faced that knowledge is passed on.

In our fast paced world where critical mass threatens to destroy us one news story at a time, we would all be well served to learn from our past to buoy ourselves in that particular  storm and vigilantly prepare those around us for the next one.

Each one reach one and teach one, there's strength in the numbers we find.


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