On That Day

On That Day        David S Callahan (c) 2001

I thought i'd seen it all when that Spetember day began,
I watched the buildgins fall; almost too much to take in,
My questions were the same, as all others I suppose,
The answers wouldn't come, the doubt just seem to grow,

I lifted up my eyes, and I sought a higher way,
I asked him for His grace... on that day,

On that day, we prayed, take away the fear,
On that day, we all embraced what we held dear,
Reality was maddening, the hurt was too severe,
But we found courage in his presence, on that day,

Some said everything is different, it would never be the same,
Smoke and ashes blurred ourt vision, then there was the pain,
Others said it was abandon, You had left us to our fate,
In places you were never welcomed, we heard some call Your name,

The grief led to a searcching, a nation's soul upon You laid,
As we surrender to Your stillness, on that day,

On that day, we raised our lost to you in prayer,
On that day, Grace became so clear,
Your word was spoke with new conviction,
A world drew close so it could hear,
A people lost... had found Your mercy, On that day...


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