Surviving now...
I start a new bible study with my college career group next week and I will be teaching a fourteen week series I call, "Surviving now...Back to the Basics." As i mentally prepare to dig into this study, I am forced to ponder how this study is so relevant to what is going on in the world. I have so many concerns for what all these young adults are facing and my fear is that they will not be grounded enough to withstand the torrent of these times that they will face. As I watch the news every day, I am baffled by the insanity of a culture seeking to bury the truths that were the building blocks of its foundation while at the same time offering no replacement for it other than a me-centered philosophy wrought with hostility and abusive intolerance! Forget the polarity between liberal and conservative ideology; we have become a country full of dissensions and schisms that prohibit free or independent thinking...some day it will be the right to speak that that will no longer be fr...