Its never about the destination...
I had lunch with my wife and a wonderful young couple today! The food was pleasant but the company was infinitely greater... at some point the conversation turned to the far off and future and I posed the statement, "life is in the journey, not the destination!" I truly believe that but still find it a hard axiom to live out. Even at my age, I am still compelled to look into the days ahead to find some nondescript pivot point to fix my gaze on only to determine that actually getting to the place is how/where the lessons are learned. I have determined that I am not the first, nor will I be the last to ponder this thought, but I do find it curious that I often stop and reassess my direction usually from a location past and not future...why is this? I think it is because we, at least in our hearts, want to enjoy the ride as much as our imagination's long for where the ride leads us to... the memories live on long after we have packed away our travel bag. Throughout most ...